Monday, March 22, 2010

Union Properties willing to sell assets

Dubai's Union Properties is willing to sell all any of its projects if it receives a fair price. Union Properties, the third-largest developer in the Gulf Arab emirate has been hit by the global downturn, which has sent prices in Dubai's once-booming property sector tumbling some 50 percent from their peaks in 2008. The developer has received offers for its Ritz Carlton hotel in Dubai which the debt-laden firm is hoping to sell for about AED1.5bn ($408.4m).

The company's complete projects have achieved their investment targets and they are being offered to investors for sale. Buyers are mainly investment companies and individuals who are looking to buy complete and rented properties with an income of 7-8 percent. The funds raised from asset sales will be used to repay financial commitments and finance ongoing property projects. The firm posted a third consecutive quarterly loss on provisions for contracting and property revaluation. It has 6.5 billion dirhams of outstanding debt, of which 2.8 billion had been rescheduled for payment to 2011 from 2009, with the remainder maturing in the long-term.

Dubai realestate

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