Thursday, March 25, 2010

Projects delayed owing to poor planning

The blame on lack of funds holding progress of projects has been proved wrong in a survey which claims that it’s the lack of co-ordination between agencies in the GCC which is responsible for it. In spite of cost and schedule overruns it is completion of a project that makes it successful. A team of professors at the UAE University asked a good sample of sponsors or clients, government departments, contractors, consulting and management firms whether their projects were successful. Despite the many delays and doubling or trebling of total costs, 100 per cent of them replied, "YES".
Lack of funding was not a reason for these delays, the survey, 'Management of Transportation Infrastructure Projects in the UAE', found. Rather, faults are caused by management issues and lack of timely co-ordination among many government agencies, it said. Initial studies revealed that there are frequent disturbances in the decision-making process, which starts from planning, scope assessment, designing and tendering and ends in construction. Some projects that were at the designing phase were sent back to the planning/study phase, while some that were at the construction stage were returned for redesigning. Planning, the most vital part of any project is often not done properly, leading to complicated rework during the process.

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