Monday, May 3, 2010

40% of Dubai Rent dispute cases solved in 2009

Dubai Rent Committee had announced a drop in rent dispute cases in Dubai this year compared to previous year. About 40% drop has been registered this year. A total of 5,373 Rent dispute cases were registered in Dubai in 2009 against 9,000 cases in 2008.
This year Q1 had 1,119 rent disputes resolved. The first quarter of 2010 witnessed 943 rent dispute cases in Dubai opposed to 2,003 cases in 2009 and 1,635 cases in 2008 during the same period. But there was an increase in the total number of rent dispute cases resolved in 2009 by 10 per cent. As per the committee 6,737 cases were resolved in 2009, while the committee resolved 6,069 cases in the previous year. In the first quarter of this year alone, Dubai resolved 1,119 rent dispute cases. A decline in the new rent cases is mainly due to the fact that more people are now adhering to their rent contracts. People are understanding the law and abiding by their contracts. The main reason for the dispute pertains to landlords or tenants breaching their rental contracts.


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