Sunday, April 18, 2010

Investor beginning to show confidence in Real Estate

Investors over the past six months are showing interest in real estate markets across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Investors are hoping for the property prices to rise fairly in the coming years. Real estate is showing signs of maturity and greater market stability and they are holding on to this factor.
Saudi Arabia and Egypt are the top choice of the investors owing to large local indigenous populations which will be the drivers of real estate demand in the near term. Abu Dhabi is also seen as an interesting market in the long term on the strength of energy rich economies and a definite long term vision. Dubai and Abu Dhabi scored as the highest MENA rankings in terms of city competitiveness.
A survey recorded forty percent of the investors with the notion that Saudi market was already recovering and 30 percent proclaimed the same for Egypt. 75 percent viewed that Dubai’s real estate market would not see recovery for at least 12 months or may be for the next two years.
Investors consistently scored Dubai highly on factors such as infrastructure, connectivity, real estate transparency, quality of life and other attributes.

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